Mudra Pater, Sacred Gesture

Mudra Pater, Sacred Gesture (only in French)

Kyrios (Author) – 2001

Prefaces of Jean-Yves Leloup and the Lama Jamyang Tashi Dorje

Kyrios was overcome by the Divine inspiration which revealed to him the sacred gestures that make the Lord’s Prayer a true universal prayer.


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The Mudra Pater – Sacred Gesture is a book of White Wolf in which is revealed the sacred gesture that goes with the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer, even if it is said especially by Christians, concerns everyone: it is not addressed to the Father as to “my father” but as to “Our Father”, that of all. Whether they are Catholics, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, or any other religion, all can say the Lord’s Prayer. But each will pronounce it in his own language, and all will not understand each other.

Meditating one day on this contradictory aspect between the universality of the Lord’s Prayer and the multiplicity of languages, Kyrios was then overcome by the Divine inspiration which revealed to him the sacred gestures that make the Lord’s Prayer a true universal prayer.

Beyond words, everyone can understand the gesture. The movement itself is accompanied by the breath, the color, the muscular contraction, or the amplitude of consciousness, both towards the infinitely small and towards the infinitely great.

All five practices draw the complete pentagram of the Mudra-Pater, making the Our Father a prayer to live, an approach to Being.

Additional information

Weight 470 g
Dimensions 240 × 160 × 15 mm

208 pages


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