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Here comes our second protocol. I planned to give something special for that occasion. But I will not give it because most people do not play the game of giving and receiving. Taking only is not a fair exchange (please read the text on the law of exchange)

For that reason, I had to give up to give you something. Do not consider it as a punishment because you do what you want and I do what you want.

Nevertheless, what I will give you will be efficient for you because Mother Nature »s forces are rising and at the same time you will give your wishes, your dreams to those forces to benefit from them.

I changed the second protocol and put a special intention to make your wishes come true. Whether you believe it or not this is not my problem. But I invite you to believe it and you will see changes in your daily life.

You will go to Mother Nature in the same way as for the first protocol but this time you will not leave something but you will sow your wishes, prayers, dreams….

If you did the first protocol well, this one will be fruitful. You will have to open your Spirit like a Flower to the Sun. when you are on spot be open to what’s going on, be open to every sensation.

Your Spirit and you Heart have to be in tune with each other. Your Thought has to harmonize with your Desire.

You all have one wonderful magic wand. It is your imagination. When it is properly guided, it is very useful. But when you let it spring from one branch to another one like a monkey would do, it has no benefits. So you have to discipline it in order to tame it.

All the greatest discoveries were found thanks to Imagination ; cars, trains, boats, buildings, tables, chairs, forks and knives, plates… In fact everything comes from that imagination.

Imagination is the thought of our soul. The thought is the instrument of our mental. If imagination leads the thought and if will leads our Mental on an idea, a wish or a practice there is a great chance that you will realize what you want. It is important to believe in what you are going to do.

I will give an initiation while you will follow the protocol. It will be done with the people who will attend the initiation so I will be with you too through the Spirit in the same way as for the other protocols. I wish you to receive what you will ask the Universe and Mother Nature!

Receive all my blessings as well as the Love from Mother Nature.
White Wolf

In order for you to get ready for the protocol of the spring equinox on march 21st

Prepare some paper sheets exactly in the same way as for the first protocol as well as a compass, a pen and a red cotton ribbon. You will use it to roll up your sheets of paper lengthwise. You will prepare a cup or an old pan to burn your pages. A lighter or matches and a stick of sage or incense if you don’t have any sage. A black cloth, and a box large enough to put your rolled up sheets of paper lengthwise.

(Your attention please: participants who will attend White Wolf ‘s initiation on march 18,19,20 will be given further guidance but please bring what is needed as listed above)


Take all the things you prepared as here above mentioned.

The box must be purified with sage smokes or incense. It can only contain the pages.

The pages should have no lines!

You will quietly fill out your sheets of paper at home on Sunday night at 9PM, just before the equinox.

Once you have written all your wishes you can accomplish all that you want: find a job, ask something for your health, for your opening of consciousness, to be more aware in your life, for some wage increase, win the lottery (laughter), a new car, a new house, some spiritual understanding. You can also include wishes for your close relatives on the condition that it will be beneficial for them and that you will not tell them about it.

When you think of others you do an act of Love so you don’t need to shout from the rooftops : I thought of you, I did that for you!

Before writing on your paper, you will have to purify them with sage or incense smokes. You will do it from the top to the bottom, on both sides, 7 times at once (both sides counts for one time)

On Sunday night, once you have written all your wishes, prayers, dreams on your paper you will have to roll up your sheets lengthwise to make them become a tube of wishes, a beautiful tube of wishes, prayers and dreams!
You will take it in your hands and for a few minutes you will meditate on what you have just written. You are not obliged to remember everything. In fact you will magnetize your paper, you will give your magnetism, you will give your Faith, your desire, your will and you will focus on your imagination. You will imagine that you have received everything you have asked for. You will visualize yourself being happy.

You feel happy. After a few minutes direct the tube of papers towards your mouth. Breath in through the nose and breath out through the mouth inside of the tube of wishes.

Do this 7x, take your time, be in the present moment, here and now, aware of the magical act you just did.

Why breath out inside of the tube of wishes? For a good reason! This way you give them life by inscribing the papers with your desire to see your wishes come true. Because asking creates the action of receiving you will not doubt that your wishes come true.

When? this is not your problem, they will come true that is certain if you have absolutely no doubts!

Saturday and Sunday evening, in front of the Medicine wheel, I will ask for all that will accomplish this protocol with their names and date of birth.

I will also be present in the morning of march 21st, Monday, to give strength to your wishes!

You will then put away your tube of wishes, roll it in a black cloth to hold out outside energies. Put it in an empty box if you have one (nothing else should be with it).

Before, clean the box inside and out with the smoke of sage or with an incense.

Go to a private spot to be undisturbed with Mother Nature. No hunters because they are likely to shoot you like a rabbit as they shoot anything that moves.

Go there 30 minutes (around 8:30 am) before 9 am, when the forest wakes up, when the strength of Earth rise. Feel the calmness, the birds, the wind blowing through the leaves. Maybe someone is observing you?

When you found your spot where you will accomplish the protocol, take your compass and look east before you begin.

Animals will be watching, they smell you. Try and be here, not as an intruder but like someone invited. You are invited to the spring’s banquet, rejoice this very important moment for you and all that surrounds you. The visible and invisible notice you.

You are not alone here. I AM with you, WE ARE with you !

When 9 O’clock strikes you will blow 3x through the tube of wishes, directing the base of the pages towards Mother Earth.

Then go on your knees and say this prayer inside of the tube as to amplify the words.

« Mother-Earth, I implore your Grace and Clemency.
You who are so Generous allow me to Receive
That which I Ask for through the tube of wishes.
I know that you Received my wishes and that you fulfill them.
I thank you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all that you have given me and for all that I shall receive.
May it be so! »

Then point the tube towards Father Heaven and do the same thing : Blow in the tube 3x and say this prayer:

« Father Heaven, I implore your Grace and Clemency.
You who are so Generous allow me to Receive
That which I Ask for through the tube of wishes.
I know that you Received my wishes and that you fulfill them.
I thank you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all that you have given me and for all that I shall receive.
May it be so! »

Then you will blow through the tube in all 4 directions starting East and after the exhale say out loud and strong :

« Invisible and visible forces of the East, grant my wishes »

Then facing West say:

« Invisible and visible forces of the West, grant my wishes »

Towards south:

« Invisible and visible forces of the South, grant my wishes »

And north :

« Invisible and visible forces of the North, grant my wishes »

After your request, blow in the direction of Father heaven and Mother Earth to thank them.

Nothing but the ashes should remain. Take some ashes and throw them in the East direction while thinking of the visible and invisible forces taking your wishes.

Do the same for the other directions, West, South, and North. You must also give some ashes to Feather Heaven and Mother Earth. You should really do 6 packs of ashes to have enough for all directions.

Close your eyes, take some time to observe what is happening inside yourself. How do you feel? What sensations arise? Do you feel peaceful, in communion? Do you feel happy and sure that your wishes come true?

Thank the spot you choose. Ask the Devas to protect the animals so they can live happily in peace. Send Love to the universe and thank Life. Say :

« Thank you, Thank you, Thank you »

Listen to your words, feel them. Thank you Life!

Receive my blessings and receive the blue light of Hope!

White Wolf in service of «This»